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2011/12/1 中国图纸交易网 MaiTu.CC 【字体:

关键字:建筑动态 建筑



1、来自风车王国 -荷兰的绿色飞毯



展览策划:Studio ID Eddy and HUNK-design



The Flying Grass Carpet

Venue: west square,Yitian Holiday Plaza, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Duration: Jan. 7th, 2011 –Feb. 10th, 2012

Organize:Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture Organizer Committee

Sponsor: Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou

乘上会飞的绿毯, 一起探险,一起寻觅都会繁忙糊口中的久背闲暇. 来自荷兰的HUNKdesign和IDEddy为您显现绿色飞毯: 一个可以简略打包便行走在都会间的便当公园,一种环球共享的独一无二的欢愉轻松。






Hop on board the Flying Grass Carpet and join it in its quest for adventure and urban leisure. Studio ID Eddy and HUNK-design have designed the Flying Grass Carpet; it’s an instant park that can be unfolded in any city. This way bringing a unique experience of fun and relaxation that can be shared worldwide.

The Flying Grass Carpet is designed to look like an immense Persian rug with its pattern executed in different types of artificial grass, giving it a typical look and touch. The design consists of different parts that can be adjusted to any location. The size of the Flying Grass Carpet can be altered from 18 by 22 meters to 25 by 36 meters.

When landed in a city the Flying Grass Carpet is ideal for all kinds of events. Its attractive appearance is also perfect for special events such as a city picnic and all sorts of contests and performances.

The Flying Grass Carpet delivers a beautiful alternative for city dwellers to enjoy the city. It brings instant cosines and a green leisure feeling to any city where it lands. The combination of green, beauty and activity makes the Flying Grass Carpet irresistible!









Reviewing the Past and Envisioning the Future: 20 Years of Shenzhen Public Art Center (Shenzhen Sculpture Academy)

Venue: Contemporary Art Gallery of Shenzhen Public Art Center,

the first floor,Block A , Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, No.8 Zhongkang Rd, Shangmeilin, Futian District, Shenzhen

Duration: Dec.15th, 2011 – Jan. 16th, 2012

Organizer: Shenzhen Public Art Center

Chief Director: Huang Weiwen

Artistic Director: Sun Zhenhua

Curator: Dai Yun



Shenzhen Public Art Center, formerly known as Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, was established in 1991 as a directly affiliated undertaking institution under Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee, which was originally an office of Shenzhen Urban Sculpture established in 1982. Shenzhen Sculpture Academy was officially renamed as Shenzhen Public Art Center at 17th March, 2009, which is the first undertaking institution with “Public Art” in the title and which carry out the following responsibilities: researching, planning and promoting the urban public space art; creating public space arts (urban sculptures); carrying out other projects committed by Shenzhen government, such as researching on public art system and organizing big events on public art.

Two decades since the establishment of Shenzhen Public Art Center (Shenzhen Sculpture Academy), which is not a short period of time. It is necessary for us to summarize, research, discuss and present the works of Shenzhen Public Art Center (Shenzhen Sculpture Academy) during the 20 years and to show them on an exhibition for more discussion and attention from the public.




时候:2011年12月8日 – 2012年2月18日



QianHai Workshop

Venue:  B-10, OCT

Duration: Dec. 8th, 2011 – Feb. 18th, 2012

Organizer: Urban Planning, Land & Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality Urban Design Division
Curator:  Urban Planning, Land & Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality Urban Design Division, Shenzhen Urbanus Architecture and Design



This exhibition aims at discussing the development direction of the Qianhai District in Shenzhen. In May 2011, Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality organized the workshop, ‘The complexity and Contradiction of Future City Urban Form’, and invited many international and national design and planning experts to contribute their ideas about the Qianhai development. Other than showing outcomes of the workshop and previous international design competition, the exhibition also creates an open platform for the public to engage. We wish to include the voice of the public, so that we can project the future of our city together.

Thus, the exhibition emphasizes public general participation. We will provide many public interaction installations, so that people can voice out their comments through voting, playing games and drawing. At the same time, they can receive information and knowledge about the development.



地点:深圳市夷易近广园地下展场C 区南部下沉花圃

时候:2011 年12 月8 日-2012 年2 月18 日

策划:上海魔力方新型房屋有限公司+UAO Creations


Venue:Zone C South Garden, Shenzhen Civic Square

Date:December 8th, 2011- Feburary 18th, 2012

Curator:M3house Ltd.co. + UAO Creations


BLOX reflects the Chinese Ancient idea of self-sustained settlements embedded in a city. From the modern point of view, it could evoke more: how to reconcile the private space and public space; how to solve social problems with spatial means; how to re-build spatial qualities adapted to built densities; how to continue the tradition in the context of modern scale; how to adapt a micro-environment to an urban eco-infrastructure; and how to build up idealism through dirty reality. BLOX is a form of “temporary architecture”, which is allowed to be built on non-construction land. It could be implanted into the urban public space, with the interior decorated with a family room layout. It is an innovative and powerful method for inventing urbanity.







Living-room Culture

Venue: Zai Gallery, Shekou, Shenzhen

Duration: Dec.10th, 2011—Dec. 30Th, 2011

Organizer: Community Design Magazine of Tsinghua University

Curator: DAI Jing &LI Wenhai






Using living-room as a cultural set, the exhibition presents the transition of our living space, the interaction between people and living-room, the connections between social-cultural contexts and living-room. Bringing a space from our daily life under social, cultural and historical scrutinity, this is the motif and purpose.

With texts, photos and a variety of art works, the exhibition presents the motif with three components:

1\Chinese Living-room in the eyes of three photographers

2\Graphic design on living-room culture

3\Community Design perspective on living-room culture





策划及主理:RIPTIDE 创意集合

Coaster Raid – Shenzhen is not Tomato Field

Venue: East of Multifunctional Hall, Civil Center

Time:8th Jan – 18th Feb,2012

Curator and Organizer: RIPTIDE



For many years people have not thought of Shenzhen as being a city with traditions, but rather as a city expanding in all directions, a city at the intersection of an endless network of roads. This is a place where rapid transformation has been maintained for years; the city continuously changes.

¨Coaster Raid¨ brings together nine artists, intellectuals, and creative designers (or groups) to explore, discuss and ultimately produce a piece of work about a place in the city. We hope that through this process, those of us who live and work in Shenzhen can define and re-evaluate the city in our own terms.

An exploration consists of a two day workshop, a creative period, and a presentation of the works to a local audience. During the workshop, the nine participants explore an area and speak with local residents. In the evening, there is a dedicated time to the exchange ideas and creative brainstorming. Following the workshop is the creative period. During this time, participants will have a month to create an original work. Finally, these works are presented to a local audience to encourage deeper conversation and debate about the meaning of the city.

In the past year, ¨Coaster Raid¨ discovered Dongmen, Meilin, Nantou, Xixiang and Wutong Mountain. We would like to invite you to explore these places of Shenzhen with us in this exhibition.








Listen with respect: Downtown En Ning

Co-organizer:Xooyo Book Store (venue support)

Duration:Dec. 8th, 2011 – Jan. 8th, 2012

Venue: Cafe, 3rd Floor & Lecture Hall, 4th Floor,  Xooyo Book Store, West  Xin’gang Rd. Haizhu Dis. Guangzhou

Project Team:XING Xiaowen, ZHONG Weijun, WU Weipeng, WU Yuan’er, WANG Wen, LI Liben, LIN Changrong, LI Xue, ZHAO Siyu, CHEN Xulu, XIONG Yulin, JIANG Chao, LIU Jun, LIU Chaoqun




Enning Road

A Round-table Conference in the Ruins

As one district of the old city, Enning Road is the first refurbishment program of Canton.Since 2006, the city plan of it had been changed for four times and haven’t finished yet. There are some discuss about the legality of removing, the protection of the culture and rehouse the residents. We Enning Road Concerning Group have been studied such topics for one year and a half.

We will exhibit the different roles who connecting to Enning Road. Their aimless, helpless will be revealed. Instead of just criticizing or sink into the memory of past times, we will sit down at the round table in the ruins to think of our age, to bring about a solution of mutiple balance city planning.







The Meaning of Time: Theme Picture Exhibition

Venue:  Courtyard of second floor in Central Book mall

Time: December 11th-25th, 2011

Organizer:  Urban Research Institute of Shenzhen

Curator: Gao Haiyan



The growth and the creative process of the city are enriching the value of time constantly, and what we are looking for are such general characters or differentiations. Through displaying pictures of metropolitan life and taking Gangxia’s cases of creating practices for example, the exhibition is to unscramble a city’s atonetime, present life, to discuss the path of creating metropolitan life-mode of Shenzhen, as well as searching for the locations of Shenzhen in internationalization.


9、展览名称:幸福·造物  幸福·十年




Eudemonic· Genesis   Eudemonic · Decade

Venue: Shenzhen Civic Center


Curator: Mi Qiu Modern Art Workshop


It is the second of the works that summarize Mi Qiu’s architecture and art for ten years. The “Ten Years” created this time is a phased judgment of Mi Qiu’s previous works. They are either rejected or incorporated to produce a new possibility. The identity of “feathered man” began in 2000. After ten years, a new program starts. Typical identifies are sequenced before they are re-created. The previous ideas of “happiness-survival” are overthrown. Everything is updated. It took Mi Qiu ten years to re-think about this subject. He even demonstrated it repetitively by establishing a themed magazine. From plan to space, he practiced non-typical collection of “happiness-survival” on a continuous basis.

We can get some inkling of Mi Qiu’s artistic creation for ten years from what we see today.








Concrete & Possibility

Venue: Shenzhen Vanke Center

Duration: Dec. 9th, 2011 – Jan. 9th, 2012


Organizer: Vanke Construction Research Center , IN·OUT, Magazine

Undertaker: Shenzhen Public Art Center



As the pacemaker in the process of residential industrialization, Vanke always keeps contributing strength to research and develop sustainable products and ideas. Possibilities of Concrete, which is planned by Vanke and INOUT magazine of Lemon Media, offers chances to designers to show their talents. The design event encourages designers to explore different and amazing possibilities of using concrete. Their excellent creations with concrete give us a fresh view of the connection of architecture, art, people and society.

The design event will keep inviting known designers from the areas of architecture, interior design, products design and graphic design. With all their wisdom, the design event will achieve more ideas and more creations.




时候:2011.12.08 – 2012.02.18

策划:吴林寿, 赵向莹


Deterritorialization & Emerging Centralities for PRD

Venues: A Building, OCT Ecology Plaza, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Duration: Dec. 8th, 2011 – Feb. 8th, 2012

Curator:  Linshou WU & Xiangying Zhao

Organizer: WAU Studio



Traditionally the streets as the city’s main communication space has been sentenced to death in motorization and urbanization, the streets became pure traffic infrastructure; The urban is sprawling, the strategy points that benefit the system of fast track become the new centrality, the social interactions and activities are polarized in those emerging centralities, they are the substitute of traditional communication places. The Pearl River Delta city, especially Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the feature is highlighted particularly.

Metaphorically, La Ville des Lieux (centrality) acting like a vitality oasis floating in La Ville des Liens (Deterritoriazation). This exhibition attempts to use an installation and a 3’ movie to probe into the Pearl River Delta urbanization model: a scene of a city spread and social intercourse space polarization coexists, let the audience experience and introspection on the current city mode.


12、《生态乌托邦》 都会计划 & 装配艺术 – 野城小我作品展


时候:2011年12月8日 至 2012年2月18日


ECOTOPIA: Urban Design & Art Work – Personal Exhibition of YE Cheng

Venues: 101, Unit A, Shenzhen OCT Ecological Square,

Duration: Dec. 8th, 2011 – Feb. 18th, 2012

Curator:YE Cheng







Eco-architecture,a curative architecture

The eco-architectures should be curative, a kind of living machine. As an important link of urban ecosystem, they will be inserted into cities, as if transplanting new artificial organs to a withering ill body. ECOTOPIA brings the eco-agriculture into the city as a treatment measure, in another words, to insert the eco-agricultural system into the urban ecosystem as a restoration therapy in order to accelerate the system’s recycling and regeneration with the help of eco-technologies so as to restore the unbalanced ecosystem.

Urban farmer, restructure of society frame

This restoration system consists of a series of sky-farms which are not isolated from each other but are *** up an “eco-tribe” which perfects the urban biological chain and supplying predominant food. It results in new social type called “Urban farmer”. The community residents can employ a certain number of “Urban farmers”. A new rationing and consumption system will come into being based on the eco-community – “The collective ownership of the urban agricultural community”, producing independently and self-sufficiently in the community. Indeed, the community residents must assume their responsibility for the agricultural product quality, attaching great importance to its supervision and management.

Civil Society

ECOTOPIA aims to narrow the gap between rich and poor, eliminates the segregation between people, enhances the exchange and understanding among the residents, endows the citizens with more participation rights and thus promotes the democratization reform. It is a reform to the existing mode of urban communities as well as a new approach to revamp the community without large-scale building demolition and resident moving.




时候:2011年12月8日 – 2012年2月10日

City, People, Nature: Mangrove Eco-Arts Festival

Venue: Shenzhen Bay Park, Mangrove


The Mangrove Eco-Arts Festival is a carrying environmentally friendly and humane care of the eco-show event. The exhibition take “City ·People·Nature” as the theme, the main form is eco-art show and concept spread, based on strengthening the city of Shenzhen, the local ecological problems of research and discussion, continuation and strengthening of ” City create” direction, extract a kind of slow living lifestyle, continuing to create a green eco-homes.





策划:Paula Orrell(英国)


Future Relevance:  The 6th OCAT International Art Residency

Venue: Northeast of B10, Northern OCT-LOFT, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

Duration: Nov. 11th, 2011 – Jan. 8th, 2012

Curator: Paula Orrell (UK )

Organizer: OCT Contemporary Art Terminal of He Xiangning Art Museum

《来日诰日,谁说了算?》是第六期OCAT国际艺术事情室交换打算的报告叨教展,本期交换打算约请了来自德国的Thomas Adebahr,来自荷兰的Frank Havermans,来自斯洛文尼亚的艺术家组合Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak,和来自英国的策划人Paula Orrell。



‘Future Relevance’ is an exhibition of four international artists from Europe. The Sixth OCAT International Residency Programme has selected artists Thomas Adebahr (DE), Frank Havermans (NL) and Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak (SI) and curator Paula Orrell (UK). This exhibition includes the residual ideas developed on the residency.

Contemporary art now illuminates the present and explores the world around us. Through observation, research and process, the artists consider context and histories, both real and imagined.

The exhibition title ‘Future Relevance’ explores the potential, to look to the past to inform the future, understanding what are the conditions we need to establish to have a global discussion about the future of contemporary art.







Fringe x Architecture (Art creates urbanism. Urbanism creates art.)

Exhibition Site: The east side of Hou Hai Bin road

(Take the Metro Line 2 “Shekou Line” to HouHai Station, Exit A

Exhibition Period:from Dec 8th, 2011 to Jan 8th, 2012

Project Curators: Eric ZHU, BAI Xiaoci, CHEN Weihang, Carol MOK

Organizer: Shenzhen International Fringe Festival Organizing Committee

Co-organizers: Shenzhen ATU Architectural Development Communication Center, Shenzhen Fatbird Theater

由深圳湾国际艺穗节组委会、深圳不雅筑修建发展交换中心、深圳胖鸟剧团共同互助,借助修建 空间装配的创意和实践,为一系列艺术演出及文化交换活动度身创作发明一时大众空间,同时,这 些文化活动以空间活动演出艺术、都会空间摸索、都会综合用处开辟、绿色低碳出行、公家建 筑教导等多种元夙来激起都会空间的活气和大众功效,构成艺术与修建共生互创的都会空间舞 台,鞭策都会空间和大众艺术的摸索与实践,为深圳都会文化扶植注进新的活气。

Co-organized by Shenzhen International Fringe Festival Organizing Committee, Shenzhen ATU Architectural Development Communication Center, and Shenzhen Fatbird Theater, this project is to explore the relationship between public art and urbanism.

A temporary pavilion installation is created to function as public space for art performances and various educational public events, as well as experiments on urban planting, urban transport and mobile performing art. All these activities further activate the vitality and social function of the public space. Under the city urbanization context, public art is like intangible weapons to inspire the city and boost sustainable development, while architecture often facilitates as tangible weapons to build up the city and the urban culture. It would be an inspiring social practice about public art and urbanism in such a rapidly urbanizing city like Shenzhen.

This project is also one of the Special Project of 2011 Shenzhen International Fringe Festival.





策划: Noa Haim/ 集纸美学

Spaceship Heart ——Experiencing S,M,L,XL for all

Venues: 2 atrium B2 Floor, Yitian Plaza Holiday, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Duration: 30th December, 2011 –30th January, 2012

Curator: Noa Haim/ Collective Paper Aesthetics


颠末对物体,空间,和履历的一系列摸索,集纸美学重新载上巴克敏斯特·富勒澳克太特桁架专利(也就是Tetraphedron是指以天然为面的四个立方面,也就是如金字塔般的立方体;Octet Truss是Tetraphedron的繁衍体,可构成更有力的构造架构),并且与天下游戏的观点相畅通领悟。






Collective Paper Aesthetics is a play in design models. The work is expressing the Dutch notion of architecture as a framework. The project Initiated in a site specific installation made for London Festival of Architecture 2008. Through a series of explorations in objects, space and experience Collective Paper Aesthetics are reloading Buckminster Fuller octet truss patent to be merged with the idea of the world game.

At shenzhen & hong kong bi-city biennale of urbanism \ architecture, Collective Paper Aesthetics will present a new work titled: Spaceship Heart – Experiencing S,M,L,XL for all.

The work is examining the question how can we make together a place people truly loves?

During the biennale, visitors in the exhibition will construct Spaceship Heart, using modular cardboard building block.

Each element in the installation consists of eight similar faces. Each face is representing a program in hypothetically mixed-use structure.

The end result will embody, apart from the symbolic heart shape a self-planned programmatic organization for a new place people truly loves.
